Design Of Total Anti-Vegf Assay Provides Simple Data Interpretation Of Anti-Vegf Therapeutic Study


Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) is an angiogenic factorassociated with an array of
diseases, including several cancers andretinopathy, making this protein both a valuable
biomarker andtherapeutic target. The development of a VEGF assay in thepresence of an
anti-VEGF therapeutic could be informative,indicating therapeutic efficacy by measuring
“free” VEGF, or trackingthe expression of VEGF throughout disease progression with “total”VEGF.

This work details the development of a serum total VEGF assay inthe presence of anti-VEGF
therapeutics using the same antibody pairas the paired free VEGF assay with added acid
dissociation andquenching steps. Here we demonstrate sensitive and specific measurement
of total VEGF using electrochemiluminescence (ECL)in the presence of anti-VEGF therapeutics in
serum with minimalsample manipulation and dilution.