Ligand Binding Assays in the 21st Century Laboratory: Platforms

Published by The AAPS Journal

The 21st Century Bioanalytical Laboratory Platforms initiative in the BIOTEC section of the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS) began with a pre-conference workshop held in Seattle, WA in June of 2009. This workshop brought together members of the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries, with instrument and reagent manufacturers to discuss the current and potential future state of the bioanalytical laboratories supporting biologics development. At the conclusion of the workshop, four sub-teams were formed to further develop the ideas and concepts raised during the 2-day workshop. The sub-teams are reagents, automation, e-solutions, and platforms. This paper discusses the critical attributes of a research and development ligand binding assay (LBA) platform and the desired characteristics new platforms should strive to offer in the future. This paper is not intended to be a review and comparison of the current platforms on the market, as this has been done and published elsewhere…

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